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10 Idioms that will help you in your daily life

Idioms, are a group of words established by usage as having a meaning not deducible from those of the individual words. Today I will tell you 10 new Idioms that you should definitely know.

1. Through thick and thin - It means to be loyal no matter what.

2. Go down in flames - It means to fail spectacularly

3. See eye to eye - It means to agree completely

4. By the skin of your teeth - It means just barely.

5. A grey area - It means something unclear.

6. A rip-off - It means something is too expensive.

7. Add fuel to the fire - It means to add more to an existing problem

8. Call it a day - It means time to quit has come

9. Crack a book - It means open up a book and study

10. Get a kick out of it - It means really enjoy or liking something


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10 Idioms you should know

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